Authentic Selling Enterprise Program

Enhancing sales culture and revenue growth sustainability

Building a culture for sustainable growth

If you are a CEO or a VP of Sales this program will help you achieve sustainable growth by enhancing and modernising your B2B sales model. It will help your sales team adopt and adhere to your winning sales framework. It will help you enhance your team's sales capability and their customer engagement behaviour.

Eight month change program

It is an eight month change program designed to assist you to achieve sustainable growth in revenue while adapting to the significant changes that are occurring in your buying community. ‘Authentic Selling Enterprise’ is an experiential sales capability development program for your company. 

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Uniquely adapted for you

Authentic Selling Enterprise will be specifically designed and adapted to your unique needs and to build on your current foundations. It recognises the frameworks, processes and methods you currently have in place, expanding on them to embed a successfully adopted winning sales framework. 

Enhancing client centric behaviour

It will help you better leverage the relationships that your traditional salespeople have. It builds on their current skill levels, their domain expertise and product knowledge and grows their capability to challenge the customer's status quo to become a true partner to their customers. This is an ideal program for any product selling or solutions selling environment selling B2B. 


The program focuses on developing your company sales culture and enhancing the capability to be more customer centric and less product centric - to create value with the customer – to assist the customer to buy rather than pushing product. Such enhanced sales  behaviour can lead to a substantial and sustainable increase in sales, revenue and market share.



Program Scope and Content

Authentic Selling Enterprise will address your full sales operation with particular focus on your field sales force. 

The following program components are necessary to drive the necessary change:

Program design

Our consultants will review your needs and adapt the standard Authentic Selling program accordingly. Specific attention is given to sales process and methodology and your sales playbook. We will agree to these before then adapting the program content.

Leadership Program

Sales management must lead the charge. The success of the program will be dependent on them embracing it and leading the team through the change. If there are multiple managers we suggest a workshop to achieve this. The team be briefed on the program and it's desired outcomes and their role.. They will be encouraged to contribute their thoughts and recommendations to ensure its success.

A key management role will be the coaching of their teams through the process. If necessary they will be provided with coaching training.

Key to the success of the program will be the facilitation of  ongoing reinforcement activities including reinforcement sessions every few weeks. To this end they will be provided with a Coaching Guide which provides email and meeting templates and access to all the other content they will need.

Assessment ProgramSkillsAssessment

Prior to training it is important to understand the capabilities of each salesperson in order to tailor the training to their specific needs.

It is also important to have a way to measure the progress of the individuals as we work through the eight month program.

A well structured sales assessment program is a way to identify  knowledge gaps, expose a lack of understanding or capability, or highlight an absence of confidence where there could otherwise be great potential.

We will deploy the EDVANCE Sales Assessment program which will assess B2B sales skills and capabilities. It utilises an advance assessment methodology from Cognisco, It is used to identify personal development needs for an individual salesperson in order to plan their training and coaching. 

Training ProgramAuthentic Selling Guide Image

The standard Authentic Selling training program will be adapted to your specific and unique needs.

Training will be conducted online (Zoom) in groups of up to 10 participants per group. Each group will participate in ten 2 hour sessions held about  every 3 weeks.

Reinforcement Program

Research has shown us that training on its own does not change behaviour. Therefore it is essential that the training is reinforced. To this end a formal reinforcement program will be conducted where each participant will have a number of documented activities and exercises that they are required to complete in between each training session. These include planned activity with their customers. There will then be a one hour reinforcement session conducted by a sales manager for the group prior to  each training session.


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